A good email design includes a mix of text and images, with important headlines, links and information in text form.
- Logo: should be clickable and link back to your website.
- Short sentence: What’s in the email or prompt to show the images.
- Link to open email in a browser: [SHOWEMAIL]
Core/Primary Message
- Descriptive Title
- Subtitle (if necessary)
- Short paragraph of text, or bullet points with main features: no more than a few sentences; the email should redirect to a landing page where more comprehensive information can be found.
- Call to action: an image, button or text with a link that encourages people to go to a landing page or a physical action (like calling or visiting a brick and mortar building)
- Many, small images: Ideally clickable; all presenting alternate (“alt”) text.
Secondary Message
- Additional offers and information: Should follow the basic content structure of the primary message. Can be divided by a horizontal line for visual appeal.
- Your physical address
- Unsubscribe link [UNSUBSCRIBE]
Recommended Content:
- Social Media toolbar
- A sentence reminding people where they signed up
- A reminder to show the images
- A lot of links to different locations
- Engage in conversations by asking questions
- If you have information like first name, personalize the content.